Evening as always. Schmutzie posed in the bathroom doorway, fetchingly backlit.
Palinode: Those are nice pants.
Schmutzie: Thank you.
Palinode: When did you get those pants? Those are great pants.
Schmutzie: I've had them for a while. (Demurely) They're slimming.
Palinode: (Resists urge to say, "They're sliming?", because he used to work for a guy who drank a Chinese herbal tea called, in a spectular example of Engrish packaging, 'Sliming Tea'.) They're effective.
Schmutzie: They do the job.
Palinode: They should be promoted.
Schmutzie: What do pants get promoted to?
Palinode: Oh... management.
Schmutzie: Administrative duties?
Palinode: Pants... management... yeah.
Palinode: That's the problem with the pants system. High-performing pants get promoted out of the field.
Schmutzie: Hence all the fuschia stirrup pants still in circulation.
i'm more interested in what pants get demoted to, specifically bicycle and/or lycra pants.
i'm more interested in what pants get demoted to, specifically bicycle and/or lycra pants.
there are many times, more than i could count on either hand, when a 'kissing the cat on the head' incident has ended up with my delicately prying said cat's claws out of my forehead
Lycra pants get demoted to cheap costume work in student sci-fi films.
Mom jeans. They're just a way of saying "I give up on sex".
Spirophita, a 'fupa' better not be what I think it is.
If you are a very good, kind pair of pants and your owner loves you very much, do you get to be a real boy?
You get to be some real legs.
Unless the pants lie, then their button grows to unbelievable lengths.
And then they go hang out with disreputable pairs of culottes at Pleasure Island...
Oh, so that's a button. I was misinformed.
Black they is, and flat-fronted too.
Los Fabuloso Pantalones de la Schmutzie!
Los pantalones de la Shumtzie son Fabulosos!
Wait, what? I want slimming pants. Particularly effective slimming pants. Particularly effective slimming pants that will make me look fetchingly backlit. I've never been fetchingly backlit. And I want to be. God, I want to be.
You cannot just post about SLIMMING pants without giving the make, model, and store of origin. A link to the actual pants online would be preferrable.
Promoting pants past their level of competence? Isn't that called the Peter (Pants) Principle or something?
Linda, I've tried to elicit information about Schmutzie's pants, but she's not forthcoming. One day, though, she'll spill the information.
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