Monday, March 30, 2009

important changes

We pronounce the ‘c’ in ‘connect’ but not in Connecticut. This is absurd and should be changed at once. In deference to the great state of Connecticut and in memory of the victims of Hartford Circus Fire, in which the original sad clown Emmett Kelly streaked his painted grimace with genuine tears, the ‘c’ will be dropped from all instances of the word ‘connect’ and its derivations: hence ‘connet’ for ‘connect’, ‘connetting’ for ‘connection,’ and ‘connetchun’ for ‘connection’. Connecticut will retain its current spelling and pronunciation. It will also be demolished and paved over.


not undecided said...

And when the hell and why the hell did every newscaster in the world go from saying a Historic whatever to an [h]istoric whatever??? What was wrong with that H? Unnecessary and ridiculous revision.

Magpie said...

But ConneCtiCut has three "C"s in it...