Thursday, December 21, 2006

the tareyton tussle

From a 1964 ad for Tareyton cigarettes. I've cropped out the slogan - care to take a guess what it might be? No googling allowed.

Also, why does this ad bear a creepy resemblance to A Clockwork Orange, which appeared in theatres seven years later?


Anonymous said...

I remember that slogan: "I'd rather fight than switch."

I'd never made the Clockwork Orange connection before, but it's darned creepy.

Ehme said...

"And the first thing that flashed into my gulliver was that I'd like to have her right down there on the floor with the old in-out, real savage....and then enjoy a smooth Tareyton smoke!"

palinode said...

No time for the old in-out, love, just come for the smooth rich flavour of a Tareyton!

Mr. Head said...

Ah, good ole spousal abuse. What better way to sell an addictive carcinogenic product? Remember that Teacher's Whiskey ad where the guy shoves his wife down a flight of stairs for hiding his bottle? No? Me neither. Woulda been hilarious, though. Say, when's my answer coming?

Anonymous said...

Um, if you smoke these cigarettes, you'll get a black eye. ??

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I remember the slogan, too. I used to wonder how any advertising firm would think this kind of shit worked, but then I think about how addiction shuts off anyone's ability to reason and then I stopped thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Not only do I remember the "I'd rather fight" part but I remember why they had the black eyes: Tareyton has charcoal in it. The black eyes refers to the charcoal (I think) in some tangential way. All their ads had people with black eyes in them.

My grandparents smoked Tareyton. The charcoal was supposed to filter out the impurities.

I smoke. Is this why? The infiltration of Tareyton into my consciousness?