Thursday, April 14, 2005

In my neighbourhood there's an artists' co-op that's slowly falling to pieces. But rents are cheap and clay heads glower from the windows.


blackbird said...

this photo is the number one reason to move from the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Actually, you should see the two art figures we've got standing around the apartment. The neighbourhood looks tame.

blackbird said...

you are just trying to shake me off.

palinode said...

Oddly enough, the two figures to which Die Schmutz refers were salvaged from the basement of the very building in that photo. One is a little Dia de la Muerta looking figure, the other we call the Iron Cowboy.

blackbird said...

Dia de la Muerta looking I luff.
and I have quite a history with iron cowboys. but I'm not tellin that story.boring.