6:00 - alarm
6:09 - alarm
6:18, 6:27, 6:36, 6:45 - alarm
6:54 - alarm
6:56 - Schmutzie gets up. Seriously late.
7:03 - alarm
7:12 - alarm. Get up.
7:13 - make coffee. Schmutzie in bathroom, talking to cat or self.
7:14 - boil water for eggs
7:18 - eggs placed into hot water without breaking (egg) or burning (hand). First success of the day.
7:32 - Schmutzie says Are eggs done? Get up with alacrity, serve eggs.
7:35 - read salon.com.
7:53 - Schmutzie leaves for work. Still in bathrobe. Running late. Read salon.com.
8:00 - read salon.com
8:10 - read slate.com. Mildly disagree with article's point of view.
8:18 - definitely going to be late. Put on clothes.
8:19 - no fucking clean and ironed shirt?
8:22 - fast frantic ironing of long deep wrinkles into shirt
8:28 - fast frantic ironing out of iron wrinkles
8:30 - pour remaining coffee into thermos
8:30 - where's the fucking thermos?
8:32 - coffee poured. Premonition of thermos failure
8:35 - brush teeth, shave excess facial hair. Run to check clock.
8:39 - Call cab.
8:40 - where's the fucking thermos?
8:41 - find thermos. Stuff book, thermos, wallet into bag and go outside to wait for cab.
8:48 - Didn't the dispatcher say 'right away, sir'? Mental note made to hate dispatcher.
8:49 - cab arrives. Topics discussed include: weather, brevity of autumn, new hotel, old abandoned department store, upcoming musical events. Tabled for discussion: sporting events.
8:53 - Too busy to see the turtles.
8:50 - show up for work. Late. No one notices.
8:54 - look in inbox. Nothing in inbox.
8:55 - check email. Nothing in email.
9:00 - read salon.com
9:02 - remember thermos in bag, remember premonition of thermos failure. Take thermos from bag, unscrew lid.
9:03 - thermos failure. Move all papers off desk, run for paper towel.
9:15 - phone contact to follow up on outstanding report. Contact has quit job. No report forthcoming for forseeable future.
9:30 - decline coffee break invitation from Suzanne
9:40 - get a phone call. Wrong number.
10:00 - decline coffee break invitation from Heather
10:10 - phone Schmutzie with news that Movable Type software is now free
10:45 - go get muffin
10:50 - carrot cake muffin unavailable, choose blueberry
10:52 - visit the turtles. New turtle spied! Second sucess of the day. Makes up for thermos failure.
11:10 - eat muffin back at desk. Almost inedibly sweet. Resolve to eat only half because muffin is so disgusting.
11:12 - entire muffin eaten.
11:20 - realize that, despite resolve, entire muffin eaten.
11:25 - do work
11:30 - about to go to lunch. Receive ridiculous email from department that should know better.
11:35 - track down everyone addressed by ridiculous email. Formulate strategy.
11:40 - calculate value of net pay versus annoyance involved in implementing strategy and following up.
11:45 - resolve to ignore ridiculous email.
11:47 - read salon.com
12:00 - go for lunch
That sounds a hell of a lot busier than my day. Here's my "6 to 12":
6 a.m.: alarm doesn't even think about going off.
7 a.m.: alarm goes off. snooze.
7:09 a.m.: snooze.
7:18 a.m.: snooze.
7:27 a.m.: alarm. I finally wake up.
7:40 a.m.: am dressed and teeth brushed. throw together lunch.
7:50 a.m.: out the door.
8:05 a.m.: show up at work. am usually the second one there.
8:06 a.m.: put lunch in fridge. prepare fruit for breakfast.
8:08 a.m.: in office looking at work and personal e-mail. on mondays, check out latest postsecret update. read blogs.
8:30 a.m.: settle in with a good book. fight off sleep.
9 a.m.: make the rounds visiting officemates, cracking jokes, being entirely innapropriate.
10 a.m.: settle in with the good book again. fight off sleep again.
11:30: get lunch from office fridge. eat it at my desk.
Always, by 1, I have stopped fighting off sleep and succumb to the dark slumber either under my desk or, lately, on my nice, new couch. Zzzzzz!
I tend to really resent the extra early-morning math required by those nine-minute increments to figure out just how many times I've snoozed to decide just how late I am....
Hey, maybe I should get a real job!
I've always been too scared to get a real job and this is the most reassuring glimpse into the life of people with real jobs that I have ever read.
Thank you man, I think you may have changed my life.
(Immediately I begin to ponder fact that I have no job skills.)
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