I've been too busy over the last few days to pay close attention to my site, but I thought I'd thank the many people who've commented kindly and given me hours of online reading material. Thanks also to
Slodwick, who set up a Livejournal feed for my site. It's now up and running and quietly waiting to aggregate.
i discovered your blog on dooceday, but i've been coming back ever since because of your great writing...it's very entertaining!
thanks for checking out my playlist--i'm glad you liked it too!
It was my pleasure.
The hamfisted man poem really stayed in my head. I keep looking at people to see if they are hamfisted. A surprising number of them are.
LeighAnn, you're being far to kind. We must band together in pain, sadness, and betrayal in order for Palinode to realize just how deeply he has hurt us all by so swiftly and easily cutting his loyal fans out out of his ife. Palinode, we will never forget. WE WILL NEVER FORGET.
I came on Dooceday too. :) Been coming back every since (except when the damn JOB gets in the way of my interneting).
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