Thursday, April 14, 2005

Colossus of Health

Public health clinic, NE corner of hamilton street & 13th avenue.

This building is full of travellers getting shots for their exotic destinations (1st floor) and schizophrenics on heavy heavy drugs (3rd floor). When the crazy people need travel shots they must go the second floor, I suppose.

The best part about getting the travel shots is the travel video that they make you watch, which is a ghastly cheap video roughly on the same level as employee training films. Best of all are horrible pastel colours and shoulder pads on women's clothing. Somewhere in all that 1989 fashion muddle they tell you not to drink water in foreign countries or sleep with their prostitutes (which, for those red-faced shitsacks fresh off the golf course and itching to get to Thailand, must be a tremendous disappointment). Might as well go for soda.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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